Privacy Policy

Who collects your data?

KH is responsible for collecting and storing your data from your membership subscription form.

What data does KH collect and how is it used?

Through membership subscription forms, KH collects your name, address, telephone numbers and email address (if you choose to be contacted by email). This data is used to send you news updates, invitations to meetings, information about volunteer rotas, requests for assistance with events and links to items of local or historical interest.

Who has access to your data?

KH will never share, swap or sell you data to any other organisation.

How will we communicate with you?

KH will send emails, either directly through our provider ( or or by using Mailchimp, a simple and secure email marketing tool. We will contact members by post and/or telephone when necessary.

How to update or unsubscribe from KH

Indicate to any Committee member that you no longer wish to be contacted (details on membership card) or contact the Secretary to update contact details.

Visit the Heritage Centre
Free Entry

Mid-May to mid-September
See news for latest information about opening times.

Please check our Facebook page for details.
Climb the 143 steps for stunning views from the roof.
Under 16’s must be accompanied by an adult.

Latest News

Winter talks

Unless stated otherwise, all talks in Congregational Church Hall KA13 6AW. Free talks, all welcome.

Thursday 10 October 7pm - 
Law & Order: Burgh Beginnings   Jeni Park talks about new evidence from the Kilwinning Archive Project about the development of Kilwinning Burgh.

Thursday 7 November 7pm - Short AGM followed by Tight Lines  A fresh angle on the River Garnock from members of Kilwinning Eglinton Angling club.

Abbey Tower closed for season

We are now closed for the season, but some special events are being planned. Be sure to follow us on Facebook or X (formerly Twitter) to find out more.

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Donate to Kilwinning Heritage

We are always happy to receive donations. These can be made via PayPal as a one-off or recurring payment, for a value of your choosing.